Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Catching Up is Hard to Do!

February has been a lost month for me. I know, I know, in January I was going on about how I wanted January to be finished. Little did I know what February would bring to my life.

I'm seeing Spring in my horses though! They are starting to lose their winter coats with some lose hairs from their furry bodies. Daylight Savings Time begins on March 8. Soon, my early crocus and daffodils will pop up. Hopefully, by the end of March, my health issues will be cleared up.

I've been spending time, since my body won't let me do much else, reading up on Endurance Riding. I love the idea of it, though, would probably only ever make it to a Limited Distance ride at a local level Competitive Trail Ride event. That's OK, I enjoy reading about the adventures of other women who've bravely taken on the Tevis Cup and other endurance events. Currently, I'm reading Ten Feet Tall, Still, by Julie Suhr. It's one of those books I almost hate to see end. I will do a review as a soon as I finish.

I feel like life has been on hold but am glad it all happened in the deepest of the winter months, where I'm usually dealing with the dreary, colder, shorter days. This stint of having to deal with health issues, as well as the weather, has awakened me to the realization you'd think I would have figured out long ago, don't take your time for granted.

So, I'm still catching up on many things, yet also having to take it easy until my body can get regulated again. Oh, and those of you who have healthy thyroid glands, never ever take the job of that little butterfly gland for granted! When it's not there anymore, let me just say, it's beyond miserable. AND......if you are over 40, experiencing any of the symptoms of hypothyroidism or have a goiter or enlarged thyroid, get it taken care of because you'd be surprised how that little gland is a major communicator for many parts of your endocrine system, muscles, and brain function. Never let anyone tell you "oh, it's just thyroid trouble."

1 comment:

Linda said...

I'm so glad you told me daylight savings time is the 8th!! That made my day!!!