Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Days Roll On

I looked at my calendar this past week and nearly fell over realizing Thanksgiving was already upon us. November is drawing to a close. Looking back over the past month,even the past year, the days are hazy. Surreal. We've had alot going on around here this year. But I guess that happens sometimes in our lives.

After my dad's passing on November 3, I seem to have some kind of transformation going on. It's hard to describe. One thing I do know, after the experience, I feel I can handle anything now. Your worst fears are often those you must face head on and when you do, and it's over, you find something in you has changed. At least that's how I feel now.

Through all the events of this past year Bo, Spirit, Maggie, Lucy and Buddy the cat, have all been distractions when times got rough. Distractions in a good way. Our animal buddies give us more than we can ever repay them for, but then, they never think of it that way. They just accept us as we are, and listen when we want to tell our troubles, or need to cry. I am always grateful to have them around even when I grumble sometimes, about going out on these cold mornings. Without them in my life, well, it just wouldn't be the same.

So, the holidays are approaching and will be here and gone before we know it. This year, I will enjoy every moment of time spent with my family. The days roll on and if you don't stop to really feel them, and enjoy those around you, you'll miss the best parts of life.

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